How Does Medical Massage work?

Medical massage therapy is specific to an individuals muscular injury in recovery and healing. Massage sessions are designed around a treatment plan based on our therapist evaluation and a referring providers prescription/referral. Massage therapy in these sessions is only on or linking to the affected areas of injury.

Sessions are an hour or less, depending on what we asses at the time of treatment. There is not a guarantee of payment and you are responsible for any remaining balance due at the conclusion of your treatment.

Auto Accidents/PIP

We ARE taking automobile accident cases billing to an auto insurance company. Bring your prescription, claim number and any accident and insurance company information. Bring your calendar and be prepared to schedule prescribed appointments.

Let's get you feeling better!

Health Insurance Billing

Sorry, We are not currently BILLING for any health insurance patients. 

However, we can provide you with a medically coded receipt for you to seek insurance reimbursement directly from your health insurance company. For best results, call your insurance company to inquire about the process. Bring your referral/prescription in and let us know in advance that you are requesting this. We will do our best to support your healing and your billing. We have had many clients report this is working well.


L&I Claim and On the Job Injury

Hurt at work? Have a prescription AND a case number? Bring it all in on your very first appointment. Bring your calendar and be prepared to schedule prescribed appointments. Our goal is to get you back to work!

Fine Print:

We must have a referral/prescription from an MD or DC.

You are responsible for any remaining balance on your treatments.

If you miss an appointment, you will be responsible for the full appointment fee, not your insurance.

Our goal is to get you back to where you were before the injury, we will only be working on areas affected by the injury.

Our treatments are based on our professional assessments, prescription and recommendations from your referring provider. Your treatment sessions will be tailored for your specific injury.